Alcohol consumption has always been linked to a number of diseases and health conditions, most especially liver and kidney issues. But a lot of people are unaware of the link between drinking alcoho...
Almost everyone has experienced back pain at some point in their lives so it’s not surprising that you too may be dealing with upper back pain regularly, specifically in between your shoulder blad...
Back pain is one of the most common work-related injuries and this is caused by ordinary work activities such as heavy lifting and even sitting in an office. For some, the latter may come as a surpr...
Around 84 percent of adults reported experiencing lower back pain at some point in their lives. The pain could be felt on both sides of the spinal column or on just one side of the back, then extend...
Working in an office involves sitting for long periods, which might cause spine misalignment and back pain. Office chairs come in all shapes, sizes, and designs, but only a few of them offer enough ...
Researchers have long seen a link between sleeping problems and lower back pain. Being in pain makes it harder to fall asleep, let alone a really good, deep sleep. Lower back pain can rouse you from...
Back pain is a common problem that affects millions of Americans every year. This condition is caused by several possible reasons that range from something simple like poor posture to more serious o...
Back pain is a common condition and can range from dull and aching to sharp and stabbing. According to experts, around 80% of people will experience some sort of back pain at some point in their liv...
Since the COVID 19 pandemic started, the number of people suffering from back pain has significantly increased. And although back pain isn’t necessarily a COVID symptom, it’s still a problem you...
According to a study featured by the American Chiropractic Association, experts estimate that up to 80% of the population will experience upper back pain at some point in their lives. This is not su...