Back pain is a sometimes debilitating problem for people of all walks of life and every profession. While you should always seek a professional’s help with bad back pain, there are some ways you c...
New York Giants defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul underwent surgery on June 4 to fix a herniated disc in his back. He suffered from lower back pain since last season, causing his performance to suffer...
You’ve just gotten home from another hour and a half stint at your local gym, and you are quite certain that your back is one sit-up away from permanently splitting your upper torso from your legs...
You may not realize it, but your lower back is of significant importance. Consider what happens when you tweak your back or sustain some sort of injury: it is often difficult to move, and you fin...
Oct 14, 2020There are precautions and actions we can take towards avoiding pain every single day; barring a significant injury, one can improve the health of their body day by day. Following these tips everyday...
In a world where technology reigns supreme, every aspect of our lives depends on concentrating and focusing on information brought to us in digital form. While this makes our lives more conven...
December is only half over and the tri-state area has already been hit with four rounds of snow. If this is any indicator of how the rest of the winter is going to go, it's time to review the safest...
Manhattan recently got hit with nearly a foot of snow in the most recent storm. People with chronic back pain are likely still sore from shoveling themselves out of their homes and are quickly reach...
You use your shoulder joints constantly. You use them so much that you probably don’t even think about it when lifting a fork to your mouth or reaching to retrieve something. However, if something...
Finding The Right Doctor to Treat Your Chronic Pain ConditionEveryone who has experienced chronic pain knows what a severe impact it can have on your life. From disturbed sleep to ...